
Examples Of Heroism In Beowulf

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Every culture of past and present has a widespread belief of how heroes should act and look like, whether they receive this ideal from the village scop or action movie franchises. In the case of the scops, Anglo-Saxon societies had a regnant idea of heroism and the characteristics defining one’s heroism. Seamus Heaney’s translation of Beowulf provides multiple examples of Anglo-Saxon heroic ideals through the incredible hero Beowulf’s characterization as being courageous, loyal, and proud. Beowulf repeatedly acts courageously in battle, showing that this a trait of the ideal Anglo-Saxon hero. Beowulf’s arrival in Heorot is prompted by his knowledge of the monster Grendel, who had killed warriors and citizens of the town Heorot. The hero could not allow the monster to continue terrorizing the Danes, so he came to their rescue despite knowing …show more content…

When Beowulf speaks to Hrothgar for the first time, Hrothgar recollects a time when the Danes provided assistance to the Geats in war. A Dane lost his life in this war, so the Geats “acknowledged [Hrothgar] with oaths of allegiance” (Heaney, 472). Beowulf was not personally involved in that war, but his loyalty to the resulting alliance led him into battle. Beowulf is also loyal to kings, even when he is a more competent leader than his king. When the Geat king Hygelac dies and the heir to the throne is arguably too young to be king, Beowulf does not infringe on the heir’s birth right to rule. The other Geats show their disapproval of the new king, but “there was no way the weakened nation could get Beowulf to give in” (Heaney, 2373-2374) and take the kingship. Although Beowulf eventually does become king, he only does so once the heir dies and he is the only option. These and many other examples of Beowulf’s fidelity to others shows the importance of loyalty in Anglo-Saxon

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