
Examples Of Hysteria In The Crucible

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In The Crucible, Arthur Miller shows us that misinformation and lack of leadership can drive masses to hysteria and he shows how important an appearance is in a community. Hysteria can drive people to do horrific things that they normally wouldn’t do. It could also push people to accuse others that they might not like for personal gains. The story features characters that are lower on the social ladder at the time rise to importance. For example Abigail and other girls were given more importance than the average woman at the time. People in Salem also use this hysteria to rid themselves of beggars and homeless citizens. In my opinion there were two types people in this book, those who wanted to follow religion blindly and kill heretics and, those who wanted to gain from the panic within the town. …show more content…

Reverend Parris found also even found a frog in the pot. After these acts Betty seems to fall ill. This is when the initial panic starts, Reverend Parris confronts her and at first she says “Uncle, we did dance; let you tell them I confessed it - and I’ll be whipped if I must be. But they’re speakin’ of witch-craft. Betty’s not witched.”(Miller 10) She at first denies it but then Betty wakes and speaks of the devil. Abigail avoiding her own possible demise confesses to having seen the devil. She then has to say with whom did she the devil walk with, she tells them that Tituba walks with the devil. Tituba then “confesses” to conjuring spirits and frames other people. It then opens into full hysteria where nobody is safe accept the

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