
Examples Of Imagery In The Leveller

Satisfactory Essays

When I am thinking of my novel, “The leveller”, I think that my author uses imagery to paint a setting pretty well. I say she uses imagery to paint a picture pretty well because on page 62 it says, “ I usually encounter: clothes on the floor,empty soda cans,burrito wrappers,posters of teams or that TARDIS on the wall (depending),and an oversized computer monitor,extra smudged.” This example made me image a Wyn’s room since she is not a typical teenage boy. And my thought on this is he can’t take care of himself well because he has to be hooked up to a machine so he can’t clean up after himself that well. Another example is on page 60 the author explains an older women sitting in Wyn’s room sitting next to Wyn. The author says, “ she wears

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