
Examples Of Imagery Of Darkness In Macbeth

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A lone dark murderer premeditates the death of another, fueled by the personal hatred and deceived by the deep desire of wealth rewarded after the done deed. As the anxious assassin gets ever so close to the day, he is overtaken by both thoughts of paranoia and guilt. The killer makes a split decision to finish the job, in what will be the horror of murder. This was the case of Macbeth, a man of worldly ambition and selfish desire, who is consequently led down the grisly path of killing in order to assume the throne and attain provisional happiness. The vivid imagery of murder in Macbeth, creates the atmosphere of tension and anxiety in the natural world. Macbeth effectively uses imagery of darkness and nature to create the atmosphere of treachery. …show more content…

Recurring images of darkness, structures a mood that directly parallels Macbeth’s thoughts and actions. Macbeth’s devilish intentions reflect the natural world that he hopes even the stars could hide his guilt. As he commands, “Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see black and deep desires”, he calls upon hope and illumination to hide the guilt beneath and Macbeth wants nothing of it (Macbeth 1.4.50-51). By committing the deed at night, Macbeth deems he can be guiltless, unable to see or stop what his murderous hand is doing. The formulation of this foolish idea is inspired by the ambition of power that temporarily blinds him from the consequences of his brutal actions. Macbeth having little control, allows ambitions of the mind and heart to lead to ungodly acts. In the darkest places of his ambitious mind, he thinks of ways to kill, transforming from a beloved hero to a cold calculating tragic

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