
Examples Of Individualism In The Great Gatsby

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Many people today are dependent on one another, and could not live alone in this world, due to how they would take it as a negative aspect of their lives. The new generation of humans is raised in a way that makes them believe that being lonely is the worst quality to have, and all prefer having a social life. However the people of the 20th century did not view independence the same way people do today. People of this time believed in something called Individualism, and took pride in independence rather than sociality. Individualism was widely believed during this time period and various authors wrote many novels, that displayed how independence can be advantageous and social values could cause many predicaments in a person's life. …show more content…

Two characters, each present in a different novel, displayed how sociality can bring many predicaments in a person's life. Hester Prynne, from The Scarlet Letter, and Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby, both are similar when it came to independence, and proving how it's safer. In the very start of the novel of The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne was put into trouble because of how she committed adultery. This was due to how she was dependent on somebody else, and the moment she was with someone, trouble came her way. Hester was put up in front of a scaffold for three hours in front of the whole town, and had an “A” get stitched into her dress. Humiliation gathered up into her life, and here was no one there far to protect her. Hester had to live by herself with her daughter Pearl, and found a way to live off of being a seamstress on the outskirts of the town she lived in. Hester was always alone and had to learn to be independent rather than having someone to depend on, which was first a princem, but later she managed her life very well and people of the Puritan society began to accept her more as a person. Since Hester had no one to

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