
Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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To Kill a Mockingbird, a classic novel by Harper Lee, is a quintessential example of a novel that brings to light the social injustice that occurred throughout history. This social injustice is not only experienced by people of color, but also people that aren’t perceived as high class in society. Some people that face social injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird are the following: Tom Robinson, the Cunninghams, and Arthur Radley.

In To Kill a Mockingbird, the prime example of inequality is Tom Robinson. Throughout the course of the book, there are several instances where Robinson faces injustice that really embody how unfair life was for a black man in the early 20th century. The first example is when Atticus encounters the mob of people …show more content…

Another person that experiences social injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird is the Cunningham family. Even though the Cunninghams aren’t black, they still are prejudiced against because of their social status in the community. Aunt Alexandra is especially mean when talking about the Cunninghams to Scout: “...he----is----trash, that’s why you can’t play with him. I’ll not have you around him, picking up his habits and learning Lord-knows-what.” (pg. 301) This quote epitomizes how the community in Maycomb County treats the Cunningham family unequally. Although they have all the same rights as a white family, they are treated as if they aren’t equals because they don’t have a lot of money. Scout doesn’t understand this and wants to hang out with Walter Cunningham, but Aunt Alexandra quickly puts a kibosh on that notion. It’s unfair how the Cunninghams aren’t treated as equals because of their lack of wealth. This designation as “white trash” is part of the underlying theme of social injustice throughout the novel and goes to show how you aren’t safe from injustice in Maycomb county just because you’re white.

The final example of social injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird is the case of Arthur Radley. “Boo” is perceived as a

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