
Examples Of Insane In To Kill A Mockingbird

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There are several instances throughout the book where it seems that Smith is conscienceless. He is able to kill a black man and almost an entire family. He feels no remorse for his actions, and if the time arises again he would probably pull the trigger again. The definition of insanity states that when a mentally ill person can no longer distinguish the real world from fantasy he is insane. Perry may seem to be insane, but he is conscience of his actions. Later in the book, Perry mentions how he knows his actions are wrong, but he feels know remorse for them. Perry can be described by another definition, a sociopath. A sociopath know his actions are wrong, but he or she feels no remorse. Perry murdered the family “in cold blood.” He never truly had a motive, except for blindly following the actions of Dick. Perry was able to murder an entire family without a seconds thought. Many of the people in Holcomb wondered why the Clutter family? The Clutter family were kind and gentle people. Mr. Clutter was know for being a fair employer who gave generous wages. He was also steadfast in his beliefs. He was a firm believer against …show more content…

The tragic murder of the Clutter family brought the community together. The hunters took it upon themselves to return the generosity that the Clutter family showed them. They exchanged their weapons for a broom and a mop. They took the gruesome task of cleaning up the murder scene. Many could not believe what happened, and several families left town because of this tragedy. Even the insurance company felt the severity of this tragedy. While Mr. Clutter just recently paid for his new insurance policy, the transaction was never processed. It left an important decision to be decided by the insurance company. Should they save money or do the right thing? After a long debate, the insurance company allocated the remaining Clutter children eighty-thousand

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