
Examples Of Insecurity

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Although I was born during a prospering era of the 1900s, full of innovations and new ideas, my family, that had just migrated from China, continued to follow some old beliefs. When I was a child, I had always remembered my mother telling me that when she was giving birth to me my aunt was banging on the door trying to stop my mother from giving birth to another daughter. My mother never got along with my aunt, but I never questioned the how reliable what my mother had told me. Instead, I told myself that my aunt did not like me and that I was an outsider or an "extra" in the family since I was already the third daughter my mom had.

This feeling of being unwanted along with the feeling of insecurity, caused by the financial struggles my family, as the first generation, had while trying to start a life in a completely different country, pressured my true personality. I began to talk less, thinking that it would help take some burden off my parent's shoulders. These feelings completely endowed my childhood. It was to a point that I had already forgotten how to socialize with people and became extremely introverted that I started to acknowledge what I was enduring. …show more content…

Becoming more involved at school and joining more clubs help me discover people with similar backgrounds and struggles. This inspired me to help others as it also helped myself. Through an organization called International Club, I could unite people from different ethnicities and financial backgrounds to help and encourage each other. These new interactions with people affected my ability to interact with my family and felt less insecure. Becoming one of the first in my family to attend college, along with my second sister, we proved to our family that daughters were as great as

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