
Examples Of Integrity In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Integrity is a common trait in life that has virtually vanished in the novel The Crucible by Arthur Miller. This characteristic has disappeared from most of the novel because it ultimately leads to the death of the characters that possess it. John Proctor, Giles Corey, and Rebecca Nurse are all victims of this trait and pay with their lives because of it.
The self-induced integrity John Proctor has brings about an unavoidable death. This overwhelming attribute is shown as a cause of John’s death when he explains why he cannot sign a confession, “‘Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life!...I have given you my soul; leave me my name!’” (143). Since John refuses to sign his name on his confession, Deputy Governor Danforth does not deem it a credible confession forcing him to sentence John Proctor to death. The integrity that courses through John Proctor’s veins cannot bring him to confess, ultimately contributes to his death. …show more content…

The powerful characteristic exposed itself and therefore provoked death to come for Giles in the novel when Giles refused to give names to Deputy Governor Danforth, “‘Great stones they lay upon his chest until he plead aye or nay. They say he give them but two words. ‘More weight,’ he says. And died,’” (135). Giles Corey’s decision to not give up the names of other “witches” was done so to preserve his integrity. Seeing that Giles Corey called for more weight, he allowed his integrity to take over ultimately assisting to his

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