
Examples Of Integrity In The Crucible

Decent Essays

Man of Integrity
Integrity is the quality of being honest, whole, and having strong moral principles. In Arthur Miller’s dramatic and, powerful play, The Crucible, the protagonist, John Proctor faces many challenges to his integrity. Some would question whether or not John Proctor is a man of integrity due to his affair and, his absence in the church. Although John Proctor had his flaws and challenges, in the end he regains his integrity by choosing the truth rather than living a lie.
In Act I, John Proctor arrives on the scene as a man of solid character, but it “does not spring from an untroubled soul,” (Miller 468). He is a man with a past. Abigail his former maidservant, reveals how he “clutched [her] back behind the house and sweated like a stallion when [she] come near, (Miller 470). Proctor previously had an affair with Abigail, a fact he is not proud of due to the way he sacrificed his integrity and hurt his wife, Elizabeth as a result. In act two it becomes apparent that John and Elizabeth’s relationship is strained. During a heated argument, John proclaims to Elizabeth, “I see how your spirit twists around the single error of my life, and I will …show more content…

John reveals to his wife, Elizabeth that he “have been thinking [he] would confess to them,” (Miller 535). This reflects Proctor’s willingness to give up his good name in order to live on with his wife, and unborn child. Elizabeth cries out, “I cannot judge you, John, I cannot!” (Miller 536), as if she was trying to convince herself. Elizabeth loves her husband, no matter what, she believes she will always love him. As Proctor confesses, “QOUTE” (Miller). The authority of the court demands he signs a paper to discourage his name to be hanged on the church walls. Proctor, knowing he is in a lie refuses and insists his word is enough! Tired of his lie John something “QOUTE” (Miller). This shows he is truly a man of good nature and could not possibly be a

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