
Examples Of Irony In The Crucible

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The Crucible by Arthur Miller is filled with irony from the first page to the last. Irony plays a big part in this play because most of it is based off lies. People were accusing people of things that they both knew they were innocent of just because they didn't like them. Irony is all around us when reading this play. Elizabeth trying to lie for John, John forgetting the tenth commandment, and Danforth saying innocent men shouldn't fear are just to name a few. People living in Salem, Massachusetts during 1692 were forced to lie if they wanted to live and die if they chose to tell the truth. One piece of irony from this play is when Elizabeth tries to lie to spare John's life. This plan ends up backfiring because John had already told the truth. Which makes Judge Danforth believe that he was lying because the two stories didn't match up. When in reality he told the truth and his wife who was trying to save him ended up losing his life. This didn't enhance a lot of drama in the play because it was one of the last things that happened. Although it did end up costing an innocent man who told the …show more content…

The community already didn't love the fact that John didn't regularly attend church so Hale asked him to recite the Ten Commandments to prove his Christianity. He named nine of them and then repeated one. This is ironic because the one commandment that he had broken with Abigail he couldn't remember. This enhances the irony in the play because it's just hinting at the fact that something isn't right when the one he couldn't name was the one he didn't follow. This is also ironic because when he can't remember the tenth one Elizabeth said "Adultery John (Miller 67)." Meanwhile she knew that he was guilty of it. People living in Salem, Massachusetts during 1692 were forced to lie if they wanted to live and die if they chose to tell the

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