
Examples Of John Proctor In The Crucible

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The Crucible John Proctor shows himself to be a very powerful and charismatic person right. From the time he first appears in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, he is presented as an intelligent, sharp-tongued man with a strong independent mind. These traits would seem to make him a good person to question the motives of those who cry witchcraft. However, his guilt over his affair with Abigail makes his position problematic because he is guilty of the very hypocrisy that he despises in others. In The Crucible, Arthur Miller portrays John Proctor as a decent man because he fights for his own dignity and the freedom for others. Throughout the story, John expresses qualities of an honest man by defending his wife Elizabeth when she is …show more content…

Elizabeth, I have confessed it!" (Miller 113). He confesses his sin, and speaks those words, only because he is looking out for the good of the community, and others around him. He hates that his name is tarnished, but feels that God will forgive him for it. Proctor's decision to tell the court about his affair ironically demonstrates his goodness. Saying ”I want my life” (137) shows that he is willing to sacrifice his good name in order to protect his wife. Only through his public acknowledgment of the affair does Proctor regain his wife's trust. Proctor refuses to slander himself by allowing the court to nail his false confession to the church door. This action further exemplifies Proctor's integrity. John declined to give the names of innocent community members. He is taking a hit for the team. Proctor realizes that if he gives the names of innocent citizens they will be hanged. So instead he feels he has no choice but to do the right thing, and die for the good cause. Proctor respects and stands up for his fellow neighbors Rebecca Nurse by proclaiming the difficulty “so pious a woman be secretly a Devil's bitch after seventy years of such good prayer" (64). Proctor's decision is not an easy one to make. John is saving others lives, saving his name, keeping his pride, and his integrity. Proctor's desire to preserve his good name earlier keeps him from testifying against Abigail, leading to disastrous consequences. Now,

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