
Examples Of John Proctor's Flaws In The Crucible

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In every story there is a hero. Every story has a villain. Every story has good and evil. All good has its flaws. In order for the good to out way the evil the good has to sacrifice something. John Proctor was this hero. Procter had his flaws, but so does everyone else in the book. No matter what's his flaws are,Procter wanted to do good. He say good in people, but also saw bad in people. In Reverend Paris he saw a man who was not ordained by God. In the end he wanted to do good. John Proctor was a good man. Procter was a good noble mad because he helped to build the church.” I nailed the roof upon the church, I hung the door.”(pg) Procter believes that their is good in everyone and that they would tell the truth. When he was in the court Danforth called in his wife (Goody Proctor). She was brought in to see if Procter was telling the truth about his lechery claim and because Procter Said that she has never lied. “In Her life sir, she have never lied. There are them that cannot sing, and them that cannot weep- my wife cannot lie.”(pg. 111) He believes that his wife cannot lie because he sees her as a good …show more content…

One major flaw that proctor had was that he committed adultery with Abigail.” In the Proper place, where my beasts are bedded.On the last night of my joy, some eight months past.”(pg )He says thing because he wanted to prove he was a goodman by confessing to what he has done. He also wanted to prove that Abigail was a bad person. He knew that he ad committed a really bad sin so he confessed. This is a shock because he ad a lot of pride and men did not cast away their own name. “ A man will not cast away his good name.”(pg. 110) He didn't want to give up his own name ,but he had to so that Danforth would believe him. Procter is a well respected man but he had to sell his good name so that he could save his wife. This is where Procter becomes a tragic hero. Procter proves that he has good in him ,but he also proves that he has

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