
Examples Of Juxtaposition In Othello

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Shakespeare’s tragedy Othello, the protagonist is a 16th century Moorish general of the Venetian army who, because of the cultural and historical background of the play’s setting, the playwright, and the original intended audience, is portrayed as both well-respected for his military prowess and disparaged for his race. Similarly, because of how the media perceives and promotes implicit biases upon hispanic immigrants, they are now seen in today’s American society as hard-workers but have also been backlashed for getting pregnant and dropping out of school.
Othello by William Shakespeare, Shakespeare has changed the way how Moors are viewed. Othello’s inevitable race creates a juxtaposition in which he is classified as someone to be looked …show more content…

The juxtaposition is seen when Shakespeare depicts Othello as not only a “Noble Moor” (Act 4 Scene 1) but also a “Noble General” (Act 2 Scene 2). In Othello, Othello is being sent out to war in order to keep off invaders.(Act 1 , Scene 3) This comes to show how Othello is more than just the stereotypes that label him. He is a respected man that is admired by the people of Venice for his amazing background in wars and his high ranking as General. He is a man that is worth being loyal to (according to Desdemona Act 1 Scene 3 Lines 214-217) and someone who should be described as “Valiant” according to the Duke ( Act 1 Scene 3 Line 56).
Furthermore, Shakespeare also makes us aware that Othello possesses good qualities and the title of being Desdemona’s husband “will manifest [him] rightly” (Act 1 Scene 2) when it comes to Brabantio’s threats. Othello is such a well known and respected man that even he knows it. He knows his “services...shall out tongue [Brabantio’s] complaints” (Act 1 Scene 2). He knows the Venetian Government will be on his side. Othello is in a position where he has no other choice but to exhibit confidence when it comes to his attainments to prove Brabantio that he is more than just a

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