
Examples Of Life Lessons In The Odyssey

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Aphorism, adage, dictum, moral, life lesson: in other terms, the topics of which will be proclaimed. Why use any other story besides a forthright and courageous for embodying a topic? Many stories have elaborate life lessons, and Homer’s epic tale The Odyssey is no exception. The life lessons felt most indelible are amalgamated.
The first very important life lesson found happens in the land of the lotus eaters; it being if following abstention from poor choices the likelihood of prospering intensifies greatly. A demonstration of abstention can be found in the Odyssey. In which can be found a chapter that possesses the title the land of the lotus eaters. At that particular location, there happens to be a drug like substance that Odysseus and …show more content…

Now that the earlier proposed aphorism was analyzed, a maneuver to the next life lesson will occur.
Towards the end of the paper found hidden within it a powerful and a true-life lesson, the dictum being, how people treat others reveals how one will be remembered. Represented in the quote, “an old hound, lying near, pricked up his ears and lifted up his muzzle. This is Argos, trained as a puppy by Odysseus, but never taken on a hunt before his master left for troy. The young men, afterward, hunted wild goats with him, and hare, and deer, but he had grown old in his master’s absence. Treated as rubbish now, he lay at last upon a mass of dung before the gates… but when he heard Odysseus’ voice nearby he did his best to wag his tail, nose down, with flattened ears.” Representing that even though Odysseus was gone for an unsurpassable amount of time from the pet; Argos still remembered his kind master. Later, the two old servants of Odysseus are tested by he himself and they pray for their fair master to make his belated return.
Finally, the last life lesson found to be

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