
Examples Of Loyalty In The Odyssey

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Odyssey Essay
What is being loyal to someone mean? Well being loyal means the quality of being loyal to someone or something. And in the epic poem Odyssey by Homer translated by Robert Fagles Odysseus does not show that to his crew. Even though Odysseus does not show loyalty to his crew he cares about his crew he doesn't deserve full loyalty from his crew members because he puts his crew in unknown places , does not communicate with them , and he waste time on his journey. but some may say that Odysseus helps his crew when they need the help and he is caring for them. They also might say that he is trying to get the crew out of hard situation like with the lotus eaters when his crew lost all memory he knew that they were in danger so he got …show more content…

For Odysseus to gain loyalty from his crew he has to put his crew in places that he knows are safe and they will be helpful on the journey home. Odysseus actions of putting his crew into the land of the lotus eaters shows selfishness and bad leadership because he is putting his crew danger and he is just sitting on the ship. As Odysseus continues to put his crew in danger he travels to another unknown land , Odysseus and his men got trapped inside of the cyclops's cave , the needed an escape plan so the gave the cyclops some wine and Odysseus told him that his names was nobody , and when they stabbed him in the eye the cyclops yelled out"Nobody , . . . Nobody's killing me now by fraud and not by force!" (9.454-55). Odysseus should not receive loyalty because he forced his crew out into the land that he did not know and that forced his crew to get trapped into the cave and put in danger. In order for Odysseus to receive loyalty from his crew he has to prove to them that he is a tactician and he is able to lead. Lastly Odysseus brought his crew into another unknown place the land of the cicones that he was not familiar with “There he and the crew sacked the city and killed the men but as for the wives and plunder with the rich haul they dragged …show more content…

Odysseus should not get loyalty from his crew because while traveling on the journey Odysseus goes to a land to get some wind but never tells his crew what is in the bag , while Odysseus is sleeping his crew says “Hurry , lets see what loot is in the sack , How much gold and silver. “Break It open Now! A deadly plan but it won the shipmates over. They lost the wind and get swept back to see.” (10.49-53). If Odysseus was truly trustworth of his crew then he would have told them about what was in the bag. Instead he does not communicate with them and he and his crew have to travel back from the island and they lose help. Due to Odysseus distrust to his crew Odysseus did not warn his crew about Scylla because he thought they would be afraid and the would all hide and not fight the monsters Odysseus says “I saw the smoke and heavy breakers , heard the boom of thunder and my men were terrified.” 12.220” If Odysseus truly wants to get back to his homeland of Ithaca and have a loyal crew through his journey he has to understand how to communicate with his crew and he constantly remains to not talk with them because he does not trust them. Even though Odysseus did not warn his crew about what would happen to them some might say that Odysseus was just being smart by not telling them the information The crew members were were

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