
Examples Of Manipulation In The Crucible

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Power by Manipulation
Act III of the Crucible by Arthur Miller is a vital part of the book in which there is a three-way power struggle between Danforth, Abigail, and John Proctor. Abigail holds the most power in this scene because judge Danforth fully believes that god is acting through the girls and Abigail. Abigail has all the girls unquestioningly following her lead so she can fully control the spectral evidence. Abigail also holds power over all of the other parties involved in this situation which prevent them from effectively going against her.

Abigail has placed herself into a position where she is viewed as a saint who god is acting through. Danforth views her not as an accuser, but as a victim. Since she is viewed in this way, when proctor tried to gain power by calling her a whore, Danforth is taken aback and quick to believe Abigail when she says that John is lying. Paris …show more content…

Judge Danforth has sentenced many people to death for witchcraft. If it came to light that there really was no witchcraft and Danforth was just tricked by the girls, he would lose all of the respect that he values so much. Abigail also still hold the power to accuse people of witchcraft. If Danforth were to suddenly stop believing in Abigail’s story, there is nothing to prevent Abigail from saying that the devil has taken over Danforth. John Proctor had the power to defame Abigail with the fact that they had had an affair. In an emotional admission of the affair he says, “She thinks to dance with me on my wife’s grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore’s vengeance.” Danforth almost believes john until his wife denied the existence of the affair in an attempt to save John. Abigail is in a position where she can easily control Elizabeth’s future. Abigail has the power to free her, or get her convicted of

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