
Examples Of Mary Maloney In Lamb To The Slaughter

Decent Essays

The Perfect Murderer

The best murderers are often the most unexpected ones. In the story “Lamb to the Slaughter” by Roald Dahl, Mary Maloney, a loving pregnant wife, kills her husband with a frozen leg of lamb when he tells her that he wants to leave her. She goes grocery shopping afterwards and calls the police claiming that her husband was killed while she went grocery shopping. In the end, she gets away with killing her husband, Patrick Maloney. Mary Maloney is calm, intelligent and persuasive, making her a perfect murderer. First, Mary Maloney is very calm after killing her husband causing people not to suspect her for the murder. When the police search her house, she does not seem to show any signs of fear that the police will …show more content…

She cleverly and quickly thinks of and alibi by going grocery shopping immediately after the murder. While going grocery shopping, Mary Maloney still acts normal: “It wasn’t six o’clock yet and the lights were still on in the grocery shop. ‘Hullo Sam’, she said brightly smiling at the man behind the counter” (Dahl 14). She uses her knowledge on murders from her husband to create a good alibi and makes sure she has everything needed to create a good alibi like the time and normal facial expression, proving her intelligence. Furthermore, Mary Maloney is also intelligently able to completely get rid of the weapon she used to kill her husband by feeding the lamb to the police. She uses the huger of the police against them: “You must be terribly hungry by now because it’s long past your suppertime…Why don’t you eat that lamb that’s in the oven? It’ll be cooked just right now” (Dahl 17). She uses her choice of weapon to get rid of it unlike how murderers who get caught throw their weapons in the ocean. She uses the police to get rid of the weapon and goes to the grocery shop to get rid of the weapon, causing her to intelligently escape being arrested for killing her

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