
Examples Of Mcmurphy In One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

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In Ken Kesey classic 1960’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest McMurphy and Nurse Ratched both suffer from strong and aggressive personalities. Nurse Ratched and McMurphy have manipulative and powerful individualities. Nurse Ratched uses her ambitious power to get what is needed . McMurphy is known for giving the men courage to stand up to Big Nurse and change how the ward works. How do these two change or improve from their personalities?

Nurse Ratched the antagonist , cold , harsh and head nurse of the asylum suffers by McMurphy turning the patients against her. Ratched is furious,somewhat intimidated, that McMurphy has such a strong impact on these patients. Nurse Ratched also has a very aggressive and strong personality having no guilt of how she has damaged the patients with her so-called “treatments’. Throughout the book she mentally hurts three men , 2 commit suicide and the other is lobotomized. For example in chapter two she uses her manipulative ways to shove the thermometer into the patients and uses it as a form of intimidation. Nurse Ratched also sends “unnatural chills” into her patients , she also locks her staff in the ward just to watch them. …show more content…

McMurphy the protagonist character who gives these patients courage to go against Nurse Ratched, has to deal with his own punishment and has to watch the other patients suffer their own. Due to McMurphy's aggressive personality and Nurse Ratched's personality the other patients get stuck in between the two. When McMurphy comes into the asylum he is capable of seeing Nurse use her power in manipulating patients into doing what she says.McMurphy then starts asking her questions for example in chapter seventeen he asked Nurse about “inch-by-inch measurements” of her breast, asking this brought up insecurity and left her embarrassed with no answer to give. Being made fun of is something she was known to do not get done to her, McMurphy made not only the patients laugh but also the

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