
Examples Of Mental Deterioration In Macbeth

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Mental deterioration can wreak havoc on the human mind, causing unwieldy actions and harm on others. Macbeth is a fifteenth century play written by William Shakespeare. The play is a tragedy about a Scottish general named Macbeth. The play follows Macbeth as he begins to rise to power after he kills a rebel named McDonwald the Thane of Cawdor. Shortly after Macbeth’s major victory, he comes across the wyrd sisters who speak of his future success as the Thane of Cawdor and eventually the King of Scotland. As a reward for his success King Duncan crowned Macbeth Thane of Cawdor. As a result Macbeth is set on a path of death and destruction with one goal in mind, to become king. In the play Macbeth by Shakespeare, Macbeth’s mental deterioration displays the …show more content…

The list for his mental problems is very long and though as we can not list them all, we no some are for sure. The most obvious one is the hallucinations, when he sees the people he has murdered. Also his paranoia is a huge downfall in his character, he is always worried about something and stressing about it which causes him to mentally break down. Macbeth's mental condition continues to deteriorate as his pursuit of power continues to drive him to commit more crimes. After his first killing Duncan to last killing Malcolm's family, the greed only caused him to commit more and more crimes. He would have never totally satisfied, he would always want more, but that is do to his greed that had corrupted his mind and heart. In the play Macbeth by Shakespeare, Macbeth’s mental deterioration displays the effects of greed and power on the human heart. You can see how the mind of Macbeth had turned so much throughout the play and how greed and power can do that to a man. Greed is at the core of always wanting more power and by obtaining that power in any way

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