
Examples Of Metaphor In The Storm

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The Metaphor of the Storm
Kate Chopin, the author of ‘The Storm’, lived from 1851-1904. She was the daughter of an Irish immigrant who later died, young Kate was then raised by her mother’s family (descendants of the French). When Kate was still young, she received convent schooling and later married Oscar Chopin, when she was 19 years old. Oscar Chopin, from New Orleans, was a Creole cotton broker. This couple later lived on a plantation, but her husband, Oscar, died suddenly in 1883. Kate was left raising their six children alone; this might have made her begin writing. She wrote ‘With Loving Care in Bayou Folk’ in (1894) and ‘A night in Arcadia’ in 1897. During those days, she read and as well admired fine women writers like Sarah Ome Jewett …show more content…

All characters in her story experienced the storm but it ended later. Bibi and his father Bobinot had gone to Friedheimer’s store and left Calixta in the house alone. While at the store, Bibi and Bobinot were faced by a challenging situation (heavy rainfall) such that they couldn’t walk home at the time. When the situation was over, Bobinot was afraid of what to tell his wife when he got home, so he composed explanations and apologies to tell his wife, while he was walking home. When they were still on their way home, Bobinot asked Bibi to stop so that they could make themselves neat and presentable before they got home. Bobinot ensured Bibi looked neat as well as himself, to avoid argument with his wife when they get …show more content…

She hastily closed all the windows and doors in the house and went outside to pick his husband’s Sunday clothes that she had hung outside. She then saw Alcee Laballiere at the gate, riding on a horse, they had not seen each other often since she got married. Suddenly, it began to rain and Alcee sought shelter in Calixta’s gallery. They both overcame the storm by sitting together and conversing in the gallery. After they were done conversing, Alcee left Calixta’s place while riding on his horse. When Alcee got to his place that night, he wrote a love letter to his wife Clarisse, since they had separated. The love letter was filled with tender solicitude. It also contained information that Clarisse and the babies not to hurry back, but if they did like it there they could stay a month longer. Clarisse was charmed on receiving her husband’s letter. Hence, Alcee and Clarisse overcame the storm that they were

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