
Examples Of Misguided In The Great Gatsby

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Gatsby Richard Bach once said “You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true.”For many people this quote exemplifies the american dream. However, contrary to this quote it is not always possible to accomplish your dreams.In the Great Gatsby many characters are striving to accomplish their dreams. However because they live in a society built around wealth and appearances the dreams they have are often misguided. This prevents them from reaching their goals and achieving happiness.Gatsby has many dreams that he hopes to accomplish, but he runs into several obstacles that prevent him from accomplishing those dreams. Throughout the book Gatsby is on a quest for Daisy. He believes that she can make him happy. In a conversation Nick and Gatsby are having about Daisy Gatsby …show more content…

There was no way that Daisy could have lived up to Gatsby’s unrealistic dream of her.Gatsby’s dreams were impossible to accomplish because of the way that he imagined them as being better than they ever could be. This resulted in him not being satisfied with his dreams. Throughout the book Fitzgerald showed many examples of characters trying to achieve their dreams.Fitzgerald is trying to show that dreams can be misguided because we don’t always know what we actually want.He shows this through Gatsby’s dream for Daisy which is based on status and wealth. This will not lead to true happiness for Gatsby. He also shows us how Gatsby was unsuccessful in accomplishing his dreams because he was scared to go after

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