
Examples Of Montag's Loyalty In Fahrenheit 451

Satisfactory Essays

In Fahrenheit 451, Montag, the main character, is not loyal to his spouse, Mildred. Although, Montag did many things which showed he cared about Mildred, the most impactful actions that Montag made showed how he was working towards his best interest and not to his relationship’s. When Mildred finds out that Montag is in possession of books, she freaks out and starts to burn the books, Montag reacts by saying “No, Millie, no! Wait! Stop it will you? You don’t know...Stop it!’ He slapped her face, he grabbed her again and shook her”(66). Generally, in a loyal relationship, both people should try to work things out together and should try to satisfy each other or stay loyal by treating them with respect and respecting their opinions, but here

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