
Examples Of Moral Decay In The Great Gatsby

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Decaying Humanity
Moral decay is still present in our contemporary society.

Its the roaring 20's and the thick stench of moral decay is filling the air! The men are getting richer, and the woman are becoming easier then ever before. The cold war is over and its time to celebrate! Alcohol might be banned but don’t fret there are plenty of underground saloons to fill up your time. The police have all been paid off by the rich to look the other way. Crime rates may be higher and morals may be lower, but now is not the time to worry about crime and morals! Your mistress is calling and your wife is at home with the kids. Let lose and go have some fun! That's what your wife has been doing with the new neighbours. It isn’t the 20's any more and almost a 100 years …show more content…

Americas economical growth doubled, the new woman were born and prohibition of alcohol was was which led to underground saloons and and increase in crime rates. It was also a time of great immorality and as people were getting richer their moral standings were getting lower.

The Great Gatsby was written by Fitzgerald in 1925, and is a timeless literature that depicts the decaying American dream, immorality and superficiality. The book is set in the 1920's, and is about Nick who goes to New York to visit his cousin daisy and Tom. Nick meets J. Gatsby. Gatsby fell in love with daisy while at war and many years latter comes back to New York to reclaim Daisy's love. None of the characters can be classed as morale or exhibit much goodness.

Tom is constantly cheating on Daisy with Murytle and Murytle is only sleeping with Tom to attempt to move up the social ladder. Nick uses Jordan just for a “good time” while he is in New York. Jordan is a cheat who uses her body to win golf tournaments and nick describes her as “ she cheats her way through life...”, and Gatsby gained his wealth through illegal

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