
Examples Of My Ideal Dystopia

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Utopia came from the greek word ou which means “not” and topos means “place” meaning no place and according to the miriam dictionary it is an imaginary place in which the government, laws, and social conditions are perfect, where there is no problem of any sort. It is said to be a speculative fiction which means it is only a fantasy or a person’s idea of his or her own ideal world. People tend to think of the how the world would be without crimes, poverty, diseases and wars which lead to the creation what well all know as utopia. In a utopian society, everything is within reach, you don’t have to worry like how would you pay the bills or how would you send your children to school or even if you still have a job by tomorrow. Everything is given to you in this society that’s why they said it was perfect for people don’t need to worry or be problematic in their everyday necessities. One thing that a utopia also have is equality. Equality in terms of in court, in government and economics. There are …show more content…

The dystopia in this society would be inequality among people because of the division of classes. There would still be a huge gap between the poor and the rich. It will either be the higher class would be super rich and the lower class being the poorest of the poor. The lower class could question the existing political system regarding social division. Each person has their own opinions and ideas regarding how society should really be. They could recognize the negative aspect in the society and help propagate this to others. People who agrees with them would also fight for what they stand and this can cause the rise of a revolution. Wanting a change from the current system and the abolishment of the classes in the society which would lead to the destruction of the perfect

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