
Examples Of Myrtle's Death In The Great Gatsby

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Death is a very common and tragic thing. But if someone dies whos fault is it ? is it the persons fault that died or is someone else responsible. The Great Gatsby is about Jay Gatsby wanting his first love back even though she is married. Everything he does is for her but he faces problems with society and her husband Tom. He will do anything for her even die. In F.Scott Fitzgerald novel The Great Gatsby daisy is responsible for the deaths of Gatsby and Myrtle. Daisy is responsible for Myrtle's death because she was too nervous and scared from what happened in New York. Daisy was still nervous from the earlier incident between Tom and Gatsby Fitzgerald states “when we left New York she was nervous and thought it would steady her to drive” …show more content…

People think Gatsby killed Myrtle because it was his car that hit Myrtle but the one thing they don’t know is that he wasn’t driving. People automatically assume Gatsby killed myrtle because it’s his car , Fitzgerald states “he didn’t stop his car” (Fitzgerald 149). George , Myrtle's husband starts asking around to see if anyone knows who owns the yellow car. Eventually he finds out it’s Gatsby’s car. George then goes to Gatsby’s house and then shoots him by his pool , killing him on the spot. Gatsby’s death could’ve been avoided if Daisy would have just stopped the car and went back but, she decided to keep …show more content…

Daisy is responsible for Myrtle's death because she was still nervous from the incident that happened in New York between Tom and Gatsby. She was so nervous that she wasn’t in the best shape to be driving and was driving fast when myrtle ran into the street that she couldn’t stop. Daisy is responsible for Gatsby’s death because she was driving Gatsby’s car when she ran over Myrtle and didn’t stop. People automatically think the owner of the car was driving so then George goes looking for the owner of the yellow car and finds out it’s Gatsby's. George then goes to Gatsby's house and shoots him by his pool killing him on the spot. Tom is not responsible for Myrtle's death because she was his mistress and he cared for her and maybe even loved her. Tom is not responsible for Gatsby's death because he was just telling the truth about who owned the yellow car he didn’t know what George was gonna do and he was protecting himself from

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