
Examples Of Nick Carraway As An Unreliable Narrator In The Great Gatsby

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A narrator is described as a character who recounts the events of a novel. This character narrates the novel in their point of view and how they perceive the events that occurred. Their narration may be unreliable due to bias and dishonesty. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Nick Carraway is a first person narrator. This means that Nick tells the story through his point of view and shows the readers how he interprets the events and the characters in the novel. Nick is seen as an unreliable narrator because he is biased on his interpretations of the characters in the novel and the events that occurred, like Gatsby death. For example, he speaks negatively of Tom throughout the novel, and speaks highly of Gatsby even when he does something wrong. Gatsby death at the end of the book can be seen as unreliable because it mainly focuses on Nick and how he handled his death. In the beginning of the book, Nick shares the piece of advice that his father gave to him when he was younger. He said, "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone . . . just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages that you've had . . . I'm inclined to reserve all judgments." (Fitzgerald 1) This quote proves Nick’s desire to be an authentic narrator, and wants people to hold their judgements on him. This also shows how Nick is not quick to judge people and that he has morals. In spite of this advice, Nick is very opinionated and judgmental towards characters

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