
Examples Of Paranoia In Macbeth

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The play the tragedy of Macbeth by William Shakespeare is about grief/paranoia and reveals that killing someone will leave you feeling guilty and then lead to paranoia. Macbeth throughout the play shows that he is losing his mind. For example, Macbeth proceeds to say, “Is this dagger which I see before me…”(2.1.34-35). This is when macbeth is imagining a dagger in front of him and it is haunting him. When he is imagining the dagger it shows that the paranoia is setting in and he is beginning to go crazy. By imagining the dagger Macbeth decides to proceed with their plans and kill Duncan. After Macbeth kills duncan he receives the crown but soon realizes he has no sons and Banquo's children will get the crown after his death. Macbeth exclaims,

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