
Examples Of Perseverance In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

Loyalty and Perseverance in the Odyssey

Loyalty brings people together and keep bonds between spirits close, even if two are not together

at the time. Homer shows how loyalty is important by telling the story of Calypso’s island, and

how Calypso wanted Odysseus for herself but he remained loyal to Penelope. Also, Homer

represents perseverance because Odysseus was on the adversary of returning home for 10 years,

and he kept moving on just to return to his family. Loyalty is shown again by how Penelope

remained loyal to Odysseus even when the sutors, most being very handsome, tried to court her.

Homer shows loyalty and perseverance many times in this story.

Odysseus remained loyal to Penelope even though the beautiful nymph Calypso tried to

get him to stay with her. …show more content…

This shows how loyalty brings people together because Odysseus could have

completely forgotten about Penelope and she would have thought he was dead. He refrained

from doing this because he truly loved his wife and wanted to be by her side once again. He

(Odysseus) flatters Calypso so he can leave and return home to the love of his life. “My lady

goddess, here is no cause for anger. My quiet Penelope- how well I know- would seem a shade

before your majesty, death and old age being unknown to you, while she must die. Yet, it is true,

each day, I long for home, long for the sight of home...” (book 5, pg 1109, 81-86) Here, Homer

is conveying the message that loyalty can help overcome even the hardest temptations.

Homer shows how perseverance keeps bonds closer by telling the reader about

Odysseus’s journey back to Ithaca and the challenges that he faced. Odysseus definitely could

have easily given up, but he knew his family was home waiting for him. During the time that

Odysseus and his crew was passing the Sirens, Odysseus could have had one of his men untie

him, and they could have given up right there. Odysseus and his men knew they had a task

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