
Examples Of Personification In Fahrenheit 451

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Alone, but not alone. Imagine a world without meaning, the only thing that was cared about was what T.V. show was playing at seven-thirty. There wasn’t a care in the world, and everyone was peaceful, but they weren’t happy. They were empty, almost nothing to each other and no one cared. Broken but no way to fix it, stripped of the quality and features that makes us human. In the enlightening novel Fahrenheit 451 written by Ray Bradbury, he uses allusions, personification and point of view to convey that our humanity is slowly being stripped away in search of happiness within technology.
Today our lives are fulfilled with pixilated versions of ourselves running around town doing things for us. You can buy coffee online and pick it up when you get there, this takes away an entire human interaction experience. Technology was made to make our lives easier and it has by taking the life out of living. Bradbury uses personification that emphasizes how much life we give up for our technology. Mildred Montag, Guy Montag’s (the protagonist) wife has …show more content…

In a way Bradbury’s entire book is an allusion. It brings attention to things that we didn’t even know were problems by tying in other pieces of fine literature. By doing so, Bradbury has given not only himself and his writing quality but the characters and meaning quality. Bradbury uses the great ideas of many others to help support and create his own, thus giving him more Ethos, Pathos and Logos writing elements. The way the allusions are used bring the story together, giving you alternate opinions that make you think twice about the life you’re living now. In the third section of the book, Montag references the bible, “A time to break down, and a time to build up. A time to keep silence and a time to speak.” This quotes fells like Bradbury is referencing to not only the bible, but his views as

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