
Examples Of Race Injustice In The Secret Life Of Bees

Decent Essays

In the novel The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd, how people treat other people because of race can be found throughout almost the whole book. How people view another person's race is a big part of society. It is unfortunate that people of a certain race treat other people of a different race poorly. One example of race injustice is when Lily meets Zach, she is shocked that he is attractive because in her mind, black people were not supposed to be attractive. When Lily first meets Zach she thought, “If he was shocked over me being white, I was shocked over him being handsome. At my school they made fun of colored people’s lips and noses” (Kidd 116). This is an example of how race influences on people’s thinking about one another because …show more content…

Similarly, another example of race injustice occurs when Lily has racism ingrained in her from her family and what society has taught her. When Lily was sitting in the honey house she was thinking how, “T.Ray did not think colored women were smart. Since I want to tell the whole truth, which means the worst part, I thought they could be smart, but not as smart as me being white. Lying on the cot in the honey house, though, all I could think was August is so intelligent, sho cultured, and I was surprised by this. That’s what let me know I had some prejudice buried inside me” (Kidd 78). This is an example of when people think less of someone based on what society says about them. Even though Lily is trying not to be, she has some racism inside her. This show’s what Lily’s environment around her was like. My Last example of race injustice is when Lily eventually has experienced so much racism that she begins to ponder if the world would be better without defining races. When Lily was reminded of this she thought that “the daughters of Mary didn't even think of me being different, up until then I’d thought that white white people and colored people getting along was a big aim, but after that I decided everybody being colorless together was a better

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