
Examples Of Racial Discrimination In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Racial discrimination is present today as it was years ago. It may not be as large of an issue, but it certainly has not gone away. Whenever there is a crime committed and an African American is accused, people seem to suddenly believe that he or she is guilty. During the 1920’s-1960’s, racism was at large, except during the slave period. Many crimes that were committed were tried unfairly because of people’s racial beliefs. Many were raised to hate against African Americans for no reason, that was just their family’s beliefs. Even though there were few who saw the good in African Americans, they could not do much about it because they were outnumbered greatly. In To Kill a Mockingbird, the main characters Jem and Scout realize the unfairness …show more content…

When Tom Robinson is arrested and Atticus is assigned to defend him, Atticus realizes what a rough road it will be, but he will try until he cannot do anything more. Nobody is happy that Atticus is defending Tom Robinson, but there is nothing anybody can do about it. As Tom Robinson is set in jail awaiting trial, a mob of unhappy men from Maycomb County arrive at Atticus’s house and threaten him for defending an African American. Not only was it Mr. Heck Tate, but he had men with him. Here they are showing their opinions against Atticus and what he is doing for Tom. “In Maycomb, grown men stood outside in the front yard for only two reasons: death and politics” (165). This quote is showing that this is not a friendly visit between townsfolk, this is a visit for something of a serious matter. It is very clear why they are visiting, but Jem and Scout are almost oblivious until they have a lightbulb moment. Atticus knows exactly what to do and handles it very well, but this just shows how strongly the people of Maycomb feel about Tom Robinson and his case. Some may say that this is a strong and clear statement of someone’s racial standing, but it is not a strong enough statement with only a few people witnessing

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