
Examples Of Real Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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“I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what.” (Lee 149) This shows having courage means more than a person who is physically powerful or has weapons. Courage is when a person would fight for what they truly believe in, rather than giving it up. In To Kill a Mockingbird it takes place in a small town called Maycomb, where everyone knows each other. There are many forms of racism and prejudice that happens. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the character, Jem Finch, changed from being a boy to a very mature young man showing that courage causes a person to make …show more content…

School was starting to end and summer is arriving. Jem and Scout’s friend, Dill returns back to Maycomb. They all begins to play their games again until Jem had a new idea. Jem states, “I know what we are going to play. Something new, something different...Boo Radley” (Lee 51). This shows how Jem was immature to start a game about Boo Radley from the rumors and gossips they heard about him around their town. Jem was brave to play the game in the front yard where everyone will be seeing it. Even though his father, Atticus, did not want him to play this game, Jem decides to disobey his father and continues to play it. His decision was influenced by his courage which leads Jem wanting to know more about Boo and getting him to come out of the house. When their dad finds out, Jem takes all the blame to protect Scout and Dill. In addition, summer is ending and Dill had to go back to Meridian soon. Jem and Dill had plans to go sneak out to go to the Radley’s house. As they were over there, they saw a man’s shadow with a shotgun, so they decided to escape. While escaping, Jem’s pants got caught under the fence. Jem says, …show more content…

Jem, Scout, and Dill goes to listen to Tom Robinson’s trial at the court. During the trial, they witness how Tom Robinson was being accused of raping a white lady. They got to learn about the racism and prejudice that was happening in their town. The author mentions, “It was Jem’s turn to cry. His face was streaked with angry tears as we made our way through the cheerful crowd. ‘It ain’t right,’ he muttered, all the way to the corner of the square where we found Atticus waiting” (Lee 284). This shows how devastated Jem was due to the result of Tom being convicted guilty. Jem thought that Tom would have won the trial because he was simply innocent. As the result of the outcome of the trial, it helps Jem become more open minded. Jem is starting to understand the world more through his growth of maturity and courage. He learns that the world is not as easy as it seems and there will always be a divide between black and white people. Jem wanted to cry because he finally could feel what true courage is. He feels the injustice Tom receives, through the phrase “It ain’t right”. He believed that Tom Robinson was innocent and shouldn’t have been convicted guilty. Later on, Scout’s school was having a Halloween pageant and she was dressed as a ham. Scout had accidentally fallen asleep and missed her entrance appearance. Scout then gets blamed for ruining the pageant. The author

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