
Examples Of Religious Imagery In A Good Man Is Hard To Find

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Southern Renaissance writer Flannery O’Connor shocks readers in her short story “A Good Man is Hard to Find” with numerous deaths in a family who wrecked their car on a dirt road. Amidst the violence, she brings the characters to see reality and if they are willing, to accept the grace extended to them. In “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” O’Connor incorporates grotesque characters and religious imagery to demonstrate the need for limitless grace on sinful people unwilling to accept it. Through the characterization and development of the grandmother, O’Connor points out that every human needs saving grace, even though they are underserving of it. O’Connor presents the violence of the death of the grandmother’s family to shock her into facing …show more content…

The grandmother’s manipulation, The Misfit’s impenitency, Bailey’s cowardice, June Star and John Wesley’s complaints, and Red Sammy’s gullibility all form the sinful characters in this short story. Despite the evil characters, the grandmother still calls them good as long as their appearance, education, and status are respectable. Although O’Connor titles it “A Good Man is Hard to Find,” the grandmother repeatedly tells the obviously sinful Misfit, “I know you’re a good man” because of his polite manners and seemingly respectful family (436). The grandmother’s distorted definition of goodness reveals man’s sinful tendencies and contrasts the true goodness of Jesus. Although the grandmother suggests for The Misfit to pray, she herself cannot ask Him for help even when the tension with The Misfit rises. The grandmother not only doubts the accuracy of the Bible when she says “maybe He didn’t raise the dead,” but also does not see her need for salvation. Both of these demonstrations of unbelief and a misperception of God provide an open opportunity for the light of Christ and His grace to shine

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