
Examples Of Social Darwinism

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Social Darwinism is a theory promoted by 19th century philosopher and scientist Herbert Spencer. The theory is based on the idea of natural selection (called Darwinism) in the animal world but is applied to humans and their way of life. Social Darwinism and Darwinism both imply that only the strongest or most well adapted to their surroundings will survive but Social Darwinism explains this in a different way to fit human life. For example it implies that those people/groups with the most economic and technological knowledge along with those that are strong mentally and physically will be more successful in life and grow, while those that are not would eventually diminish. The theory and its followers held that life as humans in society was …show more content…

Many people turned to Social Darwinism to argue against government programs to aid the poor, because they believed the poor were inferior humans. Herbert Spencer actually backed this idea and even gave an example by telling a story of a girl named Margaret from New York who only lived because of government aid, and had become a “prolific mother” and produced many children that grew up to be “idiots, imbeciles, drunkards, lunatics, paupers, and prostitutes.” he ended the example by asking a question of “Was it kindness or cruelty which, generation after generation, enabled these to multiply and become an increasing curse to society around them?”.Social darwinism was often cited in eugenics which sought to improve the health and intelligence of the human race where they would often sterilize “inferior” humans, often targeting the poor, women, minorities, and immigrants to allow a superior human race to thrive and grow. Though social darwinism was very popular among americans in the gilded age during the second world war Social darwinism began to lose favor among the american people do to its use in Nazi

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