
Examples Of Social Darwinism In Mcteague

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Social Darwinism is a social concept based of Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection. The concept of Social Darwinism states that certain classes and races were more fit and survived longer because they were biologically superior. Social Darwinism can often be applied to the characters within a novel. In Frank Norris' novel, McTeague, the couples, Trina and McTeague and Maria and Zerkow, exemplify the concept of Social Darwinism, as seen by Trina’s want to rise to the upper class, Trina forcing McTeague to act like he’s in the upper class, Trina obsession with saving money, and the death of Maria and Zerkow’s child because of their biologically inferior races.
Based on Social Darwinism, McTeague and Trina were less likely to survive …show more content…

Zerkow was Polish and Maria was Hispanic, both inferior races; this causes them to be biologically inferior and less likely to survive. The couple decides to have a child; the child died due to its biologically inferior race. After losing her child, Maria began to suffer from a frightening mental illness. The severe illness caused Maria to lose her memory. When Zerkow asked Maria where the golden dishes were, Maria was completely discombobulated. She had no memory of ever owning golden dishes. The lose of Maria’s memory caused the destruction of their marriage, because their marriage was built on the golden dishes that Zerkow was obsessed with. Zerkow became preoccupied with searching for Maria’s golden dishes, that never really existed, and he got furious with Maria. She drove him insane, which caused him to resent her. Maria was found with a slit in her neck and Zerkow was found dead in the river; it’s believed that Zerkow killed Maria and jumped in the river to end his own life. Their biologically inferior races, the lose of their child, and the downfall of their marriage caused the death of Maria and

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