
Examples Of Social Darwinism In The Jungle

Decent Essays

Corruption in early America is a major problem for the working class. These aspects of corruption are exposed in The Jungle by Upton Sinclair. There are many different types apparent in this novel. They include political, economical, social, and moral. One example of social corruption, Social Darwinism, is otherwise known as survival of the fittest. Social Darwinism is where the stronger or tougher people in society rank higher and receive more jobs than those who are weak. In Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle, the ideas and problems of Social Darwinism are explored through the struggle to find a job, poor working conditions, and a deceitful population.
The struggle to find a job is the first example of Social Darwinism. This struggle was very prominent for most families living in poverty in the working class. Member’s of Jurgis’s family often dealt with this ongoing …show more content…

This is when the people living in an area lie to unknowing beings to make them pay extra for or buy something unnecessary. Unsuspecting workers in America fell for these tricks and ended up losing lots of money. One example of this was when Jurgis was talking to Grandmother Majauszkiene and was told what he was paying for his house was more than 3 times what the original builders payed for it. This was included in the story to show that the building company lied to all the buyers of the house to make more money and allow the company to keep growing no matter the effects on the buyer. This company was one of many companies to swindle buyers in ways similar to this. It represents the idea of Social Darwinism because many people do not know English and struggle to understand what people are saying. If you had not known what was being said, you would be taken advantage of yet again showing that only the strongest or wisest people will survive and have benefits over foreign immigrants. Only the strongest people could survive a deceitful

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