
Examples Of Social Injustice In Frankenstein

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There are many examples of social injustice throughout the book Frankenstein. One example would be Justine’s trial. Justine, the girl who used to live with the Frankenstein’s as their servant, is put on trial for the murder of William, Victor’s brother. As soon as Victor hears about the murder, he becomes almost certain that the monster he created was the one who committed the crime. Elizabeth and her father also believe that Justine, who was very trustworthy and compassionate towards everybody, especially William, is innocent. After Elizabeth testifies in Justine’s favor, “A murmur of approbation followed… but it was excited by her generous interference, and not in favour of poor Justine, on whom the public indignation was turned with renewed …show more content…

Because of his appearance, everyone is frightened and horrified upon seeing him. The monster, speaking to Victor, says, “…they spurn and hate me. The desert mountains and dreary glaciers are my refuge. I have wandered here many days; the caves of ice, which I only do not fear, are a dwelling to me, and the only one which man does not grudge. These bleak skies I had, for they are kinder to me than your fellow-beings” (69). He lives in fear, running from one place to another looking for a place to hide. Even his acts of kindness are met with violence and hate on the humans’ side. For example, he kindly collets firewood for his neighbors every day and places it in front of their cottage door, yet when the son finds him at his cottage trying to become acquainted with his blind father, he drives him away. Also, after he saves a girl from drowning, the man accompanying her shoots him. The monster protests this social injustice by swearing to revenge himself against all humans. He starts off by killing William and placing the picture that he has been holding in the pockets of Justine’s dress. Then, he strangles Henry, Victor’s friend, and finally murders Elizabeth on her and Victor’s wedding

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