
Examples Of Syntax In The Great Gatsby

Decent Essays

“You don't write because you want to say something, you write because you have something to say,” as F. Scott Fitzgerald once said. An author's opinion is one that can be seen through many different approaches but has an overall purpose. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the author portrays his feelings for Daisy’s throughout the novel. He utilizes solemn and flowery diction along with syntax to reveal his opinions toward Daisy in this moment in the novel.
Fitzgerald incorporates solemn and flowery diction into his writing to convey his dynamic views on Daisy. In the novel, Nick describes how Daisy is undecided on who she should spend the rest of her life with. From her confusion and indecision, she begins to face a period of depression …show more content…

Fitzgerald describes that, “through this twilight universe Daisy began to move again with the season... and drowsing asleep at dawn with the beads and chiffon of an evening dress tangled among dying orchids on the floor beside her bed.” (Fitzgerald 151) The author’s use of the phrases, “twilight universe,” “drowsing asleep at dawn” and “tangled among dying orchids,” is a representation of his opinion of Daisy. The words “twilight universe” serve to represent the solemnity of Daisy. The meaning of a twilight universe is a state in which there is uncertainty, which pertains to how Daisy is uncertain about her future. Phrases like “drowsing asleep at dawn” and “tangled among dying orchids” show a contrast. With the phrase “drowsing asleep at dawn,” it presents an unusuality. The contrast between “drowsing asleep” and “dawn” describes her unusual state that Fitzgerald compares to falling asleep at dawn. The author subtly hints he wants to pick Gatsby over Tom, which is also revealed through his diction. Additionally, the contrast of the words “tangled among dying orchids” demonstrates the struggle she is in comparison to her beauty. Throughout the book the author shows that he admires her beauty and this is …show more content…

Nick comes to realize that Daisy is unhappy from her separation from Gatsby, and feels pressured to make a difficult decision. This is shown through the author's description that, “She was feeling the pressure of the world outside, and she wanted to see him and feel his presence beside her and be reassured that she was doing the right thing after all.” (Fitzgerald 151) The use of polysyndeton and the length of the sentence presents a sense of uneasiness in Daisy. Repetition of the conjunction emphasizes her restless mind and desire for someone to assist her in her decision. The long length of the sentence serves to show the worry that Nick has about Daisy because of her uneasiness with her decision. Further, in the novel Daisy is known to have wanted her life made instantly, rather than patiently waiting for everything to work itself out. The author describes Daisy as, “[wanting] her life shaped now, immediately--and the decision must be made by some force--of love, of money, of unquestionable practicality--that was close at hand.” (Fitzgerald 151) Indicated in the quote, Daisy wants some unseen factor to arise and make it clear which option she must choose and the author presents his questioning her decision through his punctuation syntax. The dashes in the quote represent pauses that serve as skepticism in Daisy. A dash can be a

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