
Examples Of The Human Spirit In Harrison Bergeron

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The human spirit can be described as the way humans live when no one else can see them. In “Harrison Bergeron” the entire community is equal to each other in every single way. “The Rocking-Horse Winner” is a story about a young boy who becomes obsessed with betting on horses to satisfy that never-ending desire of greed. “Young Goodman Brown” shows a discussion between the character Goodman Brown and his companion, which can be interpreted as the Devil. Throughout “Harrison Bergeron,” “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” and “Young Goodman Brown” human spirit is portrayed through equality, greed, and the battle between good and evil.
One characteristic of the human spirit it the idea of equality. Humans strive for equality through every aspect of life. In “Harrison Bergeron” the author takes the idea of equality, and takes it one step further. Everyone has handicaps so they are all of the same status. For example, George Bergeron has a mental handicap. “Every twenty seconds or so, the transmitter would send out some sharp noise to keep people like George from taking unfair advantages of their brain.” (par. 3) This shows that the people of this society believe that solely being smart is unequal to those who are not as academically strong. This quotations is just one example of the handicaps that were used in “Harrison Bergeron”. One more instance of equality is how far the authority in the story will go to achieve this equality. At the end of the story, the ones who disobeyed were

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