
Examples Of Transcendentalism In Into The Wild

Decent Essays

Tammy Nguyen
Mrs. Moore
English III
13 November 2017

Transcendentalism is the philosophical and literary movement that accentuates themes of nature and spirituality while going against society and materialism. American authors such as Emily Dickinson, Jon Krakauer and Henry David Thoreau elicit many of these ideas throughout their writings. Trailing behind these transcendentalist ideas is a young adventurer named Christopher McCandless. McCandless is the main protagonist in Jon Krakauer’s realistic novel, Into the Wild. McCandless explores the places throughout North America, executing the three main transcendentalist ideals which consist of the detachment from society, a minimalistic way of life, and an admiration for both God and nature. …show more content…

His entire journey throughout North America and inevitably up to Alaska was because of his views of individualism. He believed that in order to be happy, you had to know yourself and be your own person. He rejected the ideas that conformed to society and hated authority. Society will complicate and confuse our existence, making us forget who we really are by causing us to become obsessed with that which we are not and McCandless understood that. He wanted to live completely alone, in a world where the only laws he felt the need to follow were those of nature. The final passage of Into the Wild brings together all the book’s themes and questions into a single, compact description of a found object that could be taken as a metaphor for both Christopher McCandless’ destiny and for Jon Krakauer’s careful collation of the evidence of his

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