
Examples Of Trust In The Odyssey

Decent Essays

Trust is something that cannot be measured but rather it can be shown by action. In the story of Odysseus, Odysseus has been changing in the course of the story, beginning of the story he didn’t trust his men and as the story progress he started to trust the people around him. In beginning of the story, Odysseus doesn’t trust his men and thought what he was doing was right. When they landed on the island of Aiolia, which was ruled by the god of the winds, Aiolos. After staying there for month when they were about to leave Aiolos gives them a “bag of winds”, which Odysseus keep and doesn’t give his men to take a look at so they start sailing back. As they are sailing back Odysseus falls sleep and as they get close to Ithake, his men became curious and “opened …show more content…

This shows that Odysseus thought he was very smart and he knew what he was doing so he didn’t tell his men so which result him to go backward and all of the sailing time was wasted. And if Odysseus told his men that he got bag of gift and don’t open then there wouldn’t be this much of trouble. Sometimes you have to trust the people around otherwise you will fail in that situation and maybe even in life. If we don’t trust others then how others going to trust us. Another example from the story is when they are at the island of the Lotus eaters. There Odysseus sends three of his men to see if they find something on the island that can be valuable. And they wouldn’t want to leave so he told the rest of his men that if you “taste the lotus” then you will “lose hope for going home” (Homer 8). This shows that Odysseus knew that the three men wanted to stay but he forced them to leave because he knew or thought that since he wanted to go home then

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