
Examples Of Vice In Romeo And Juliet

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In the play Romeo and Juliet, by Shakespeare one of the themes is virtue turned to vice. Friar Lawrence's virtue of peace is turned to vice which assisted with the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo’s virtue of love is turned to vice and grows the feud. Throughout the book, Friar Lawrence shows the he has a virtue of peace to bring to feuding families together. Friar Lawrence’s soul reason for the marriage of Romeo and Juliet is to make an attempt at ending the feud between the families. Friar Lawrence said,“In one respect I'll thy assist be: / for this alliance may so happy prove/ to turn to your households’ rancour to pure love” (II.III.90-93). By marrying Romeo and Juliet he sees an opportunity to end the feud, once the parents of each households find out about the marriage maybe they would put aside their feud for the sake of their children. Friar Lawrence is wondering when Romeo will tell everyone about his marriage. “Where thou shalt live till we can find a time/ to blaze your marriage, reconcile your friends” (III.III.150-151). Friar Lawrence shows in this quote that he wants Romeo to tell everyone about his marriage so that it will bring harmony between the two feuding families. Friar Lawrence’s virtue of peace is misapplied which …show more content…

Romeo is tired of the feud. Romeo is over the fighting and turns his attention to love. Romeo is poised between the look in Juliet's eyes than the swords, her last name. He tells Juliet, “Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye/ than twenty of their swords. Look thou but sweet/ and I am proof against their enmity” (II.II.71-73). Romeo is eager to show his love for Juliet. Romeo is fully in love with Juliet and he is willing to put aside his last name for their love. As Juliet states before this, she tells Romeo if one of her family members sees him he will surely die, but Romeo is willing to risk his life to be with Juliet, putting aside his last

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