
Examples Of Vindictiveness In The Crucible

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“Vengeance is walking in Salem.” (------) This is an important quote in The Crucible, written by Arthur Miller, for many reasons. The Crucible is a story about people of a town named Salem accusing and being accused of witchcraft. Since the conditions in the town are not good at this time the people use an excuse for why bad is happening to them. What other way to do this than to accuse others of being witches and causing harm. The most important reason is that John is expressing that witches aren’t even the main focus of what is going on. The main focus in Salem is revenge and the witches are just a gateway to be used to attack others. As much as The Crucible may seem as an entertaining story about witches to the average reader, if you look deeper one may see the deeper meaning being portrayed by the story itself. The main elements that are trying to be shown in the story are human weakness, hypocrisy, and vindictiveness. These three elements are shown continuously throughout the story. It may go undetected by the common reader, but with a little bit of an open mind, he or she may really see what Arthur Miller, the author of the story, was really trying to get across. …show more content…

Every human has their weaknesses and challenges that they have to face. The characters in the story definitely display how weak the human mind can be in stressful situations. At this time, there is disease and other bad things going on in Salem. Everybody knows that when something goes wrong, somebody has to catch the blame. So, the citizens of Salem turn to accusing average citizens as witches. Many times in the story John Proctor is telling other characters, “how can you do this?” or “do you really believe this is going on?” That is because John has a strong mind and can see past the lies. The other characters in the story seem clueless and instead of approaching the situation head on, they are weak and let whatever happens,

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