
Examples Of Wealth In The Great Gatsby

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Ashes, Ashes They All Fall Down
Leonardo Dicaprio claims that “[He’s] always been fascinated with wealth in America. To [him], it’s been about the American Dream and the corruption of that dream.” F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby tells of a group of careless adults ranging from various social classes longing to live their lives to the fullest through their dreams of, or physical amounts of wealth. But, as they should have known, trying to make it with the big dogs is like trying to sneak past the bouncer of a private club. Impossible unless that bouncer is easily fooled by your charms. The novel makes a naturalistic argument on how the American Dream is an elite meritocracy for the working upper class, where rags-to-riches fantasies …show more content…

Beyond the bustling city, there lay two “Enormous eggs, identical in contour and separated only by a courtesy bay” (Fitzgerald 5). Each of the areas separated the two different classes of wealth. Nick, the narrator, lived in West Egg, the center of life and where “New Money” resided. He reminisces of the lusty nights in West Egg when “There was music from [his] neighbor’s through the and girls came and went like moths.. On weekends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight” (Fitzgerald 39). The chaotic, party lifestyle in which his neighbor, Jay Gatsby lived in was a grand facade in attempts to cure his utter loneliness. In flashing his never ending money around and becoming the talk of New York, he is looked to as a the poster child for the American Dream. But, every home has to have its classic cliché neighbor who hates them. In this case, it’s East Egg. Across the way, traditional money resided peacefully with their hard earned cash. When Nick goes to visit Tom and Daisy Buchanan, he recalled that “the house was even more elaborate that [he] expected, a cheerful red and white …show more content…

In the midst of their affair, Myrtle realized that Tom was her National Anthem, a chance at a proper good ol’ American married life. She even began to dress as if she were on the same level as characters such as Daisy and Jordan by“changing her costume…[she] was now attired in an elaborate afternoon dress of cream colored chiffon.. With the influence of the dress, her personality had also undergone a change.. Her laughter, her gestures, her assertions became more violently affected moment by moment” (Fitzgerald 30). In order to get the physical pleasure that Tom wanted, he promised Myrtle the world and spoiled her with tokens of wealth every time that they met up. But, Myrtle's apartment was so tacky and out of place like her new persona that even Owl Eyes could pick her out of a bunch. Unfortunately, like most of those who reach too far for impossible dreams, it ends with a crash back to reality. In Myrtle’s case, she was violently hit by Gatsby’s car and while “Michaellis and this man reached her...they saw that there was no reason to listen for the heart beat. The mouth was wide open and ripped at the corners as though she had choked a little in giving up the tremendous vitality she had stored so long” (Fitzgerald 137). Even in death, Myrtle had struggled to let go of her dreams of living large. Even though Myrtle

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