
Examples Of Women In Romeo And Juliet

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In this text I will use 3 texts as my supporters or statements on what I will say about the significance of female’s characters being portrayed. I will use Romeo and Juliet, The Lion and the Jewel and lastly Oliver Twist. I think women were strong and powerful but only limited by the laws which were being put by men at that time. In every scene where men oppressed women they is a sense of strength which is reviled in women but not visible to men being blinded by their superiority.
Romeo and Juliet: I believe that women were strong and were a good example of strength. On society women were portrayed as inferior, weaker, and more as sexual objects. For example one of the servants of the Capulets, Sampson, boasts to another, “’Tis true, and therefore women, being the / weaker vessels, are ever thrust to the wall; therefore I / will push Montague’s men from the wall, and thrust / his maids to the wall” (Shakespeare 1.1.15-18). This distinctly shows the enforced concept of dominance in all of the society women were symbolized as the weaker type of …show more content…

Society did not treat women and men equally. Oliver’s father did wrong when he cheated on his wife. He is excused only because of the fact that he is a man and because he is unhappy with his marriage. But Agnes‟ mistake does not make Oliver “came out of bad blood”. The novel only expresses the disapproval of the sinful relationship Agnes had with Oliver’s father. My point of view here, although they have showed Agnes as a shame to society but I see strong and a powerful person as she walked for such a long distance being pregnant with no one to help her. In page 7 ‘She was brought here last night,' replied the old woman, 'by the overseer's order. She was found lying in the street. She had walked some distance, for her shoes were worn to pieces; but where she came from, or where she was going to, nobody knows.' This indicates the strength of a

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