
Exemplification Essay: The Cause Of Ava's Incident

Decent Essays

It was a quiet morning on June 19, 2015. A 4 year old girl, Ava, was playing outside. Nearby a CPD officer stood by his car. According to,” The Columbus Police officer was in Whitehall responding at a nearby home for an incident that happened in Columbus”. Additionally, Columbus Dispatch stated ,” Ava got cut on a piece of glass, and the officer can to her rescue”. At the same time Ava’s older sister Andrea was coming too. Likewise, NCA quoted,” the officer was trying to help when the family dog charged at him”. Then, the unspeakable happened. The officer tried to shoot at the dog, but missed. You might think it's a good thing the officer didn’t kill the dog. But instead of the dog, the bullet went through Ava’s right leg, breaking

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