
Experience in a Community in Essay, The Worst Hard Time by Timothy Egan

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In the essay, The Worst Hard Time, author Timothy Egan conveys the experience of the community in the town of Dalhart, Texas as it falls from being a town that enjoyed fortune from high demands of product in the market to a town of unrest and helplessness just a while after the market crash of 1929. Egan describes the economic and social conditions in the Texas Panhandle as a whole and in other areas, as well as what it meant for the people of this community in the midst of the Great Depression.
When the stock market crashed in 1929 it brought down much of the countries employment and revenue. By 1930 eight million people had already been put out of work. Then banks began to collapse one by one, starting with 1,350 banks in 1930 and on to 2,294 banks in 1931. These banks were losing millions of dollars in deposits, seen by the public as criminals who had seized everything they owned. When the Bank of the United States in New York buckled there were twelve million people unemployed. This massive downfall in the workforce left people with absolutely no way of supporting themselves. The solution, for many of the unemployed, was to live as nomads migrating through different towns, as some ended up in Dalhart, Texas.
In Dalhart, the First National Bank closed on June 27, 1931. Citizens reacted by banging on windows and demanding the money that belonged to them. They then urged the Sherriff to face the bank and formed mobs with their pleas and complaints. Dalhart, close to two

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