
Expressionism In The Metamorphasis

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Throughout The Metamorphasis, by Franz Kafka, there are numerous implications that all relate back to Expressionism. As a whole expressionism is the, “belief that a person’s thoughts and feelings are more important than the objective reality outside the person.” This viewpoint is especially important throughout The Metamorphasis, because Gregor Samsa’s mind is still functioning as a human despite having the body of a beast. While his family does not understand that Samsa is still a functioning human inside the bug’s body, it is revealed through dramatic irony to the readers, that Gregor is still capable of the mental processes of a human from within the bug’s body. Overall he is not able to communicate to his sister that becomes his main …show more content…

To them, all they had left was a life sized bug that was presumably what used to be their son/brother. Rightly, they were terrified of the beast that had taken up residence in the place of their family member; they did not know what to think of him, or how to attempt to interact with him. He moved mostly in jerky movements, because he was still trying to learn how to use his new body, while his family was working up the courage to approach him. Whenever he tried to communicate his fast jerky motions confused and frightened his family, which did not open up a gateway for good communication between them. “Gregor!” cried his sister, shaking her fist and glaring at him. This was the first time she had directly addressed him since his metamorphasis.She ran into the next room for some aromatic essence to rouse her mother from her fainting fit.” This was the first time that Grete had assumed that Gregor was still inside of his shell of a body, and also the first time she had attempted to communicate with him. Even though she did not attempt to understand his gestures, or understand what he was trying to tell her, it was a slight moment of communication. However, this was not the only time Gregor attempted to communicate with his sister, “He was determined to push forward till he reached his sister, …show more content…

After his transformation Gregor had to rely solely on expressionism in a body that wasn’t even his own. If he had been able to communicate through any means, blinks, clicks, anything, maybe his life wouldn’t have ended as soon. “An apple thrown without much force grazed Gregor’s back and glanced off harmlessly. But another following immediately landed right on his back and sank in,” If Gregor was better at expressing himself in his new body, he would have been able to avoid the apple incident, that could have ultimately caused his death. The apple stuck into his shell and the wound never healed completely, while Gregor forgave his father for his actions, he was unable to recover fully from the incident. “We must try to get rid of it,” his sister now said explicitly to her father, since her mother was coughing too much to hear a word, “it will the death of both of you, I can see that coming.” In this statement Grete is at her wits-end about what to do with the bug that contains her brother’s soul. She no longer sees and semblance of him left in the creature, and wills it to leave on it's own. If she had been able to better understand Gregor, she would have seen that he is still a “he” and not an

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