
Extreme Nationalism: The Great War

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The Great War The early 1900s was a time of extreme nationalism throughout all of Europe. Nationalism is a strong sense of pride in one’s country. Militaries were becoming stronger and alliances were formed. France, Britain, and Russia formed the Allied Powers and Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire formed the Central Powers. All European countries were boiling over with excitement and pride. Everyone was waiting for a spark to ignite the war. War broke out over trouble with the Balkans in 1914. Russia supported Serbia becoming independent, but Austria-Hungary wanted to remain in control over them. The Great War was the most horrific war ever seen due to new technology invented during the Industrial Revolution. Extreme nationalism …show more content…

Europe was extremely excited to go to war because each country was determined it would be a quick win. During this time, no one from the last war was alive because there hasn’t been a war in so long. All people were able to look to were books and pictures, but even those poorly represented war. The elders urged all the youth to go to war once they finished grade school. There was no other option. According to All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, “There was, indeed, one of us who hesitated and did not want to fall into line. That was Joseph Behm, a plump, homely fellow. But he did allow himself to be persuaded, otherwise he would’ve been ostracized. And perhaps more of us thought as he did, but no one could very well stand out, because at that time even one’s parents were ready with the word ‘coward’; no one had the vaguest idea what we were in for.” Because no one who was alive experienced war, they saw it as a very exciting and heroic thing to be in. Paired with the immense pride everyone felt for their country, young boys had no choice but to go to war to prove their country was above all. Failure to do so would be viewed as a disgrace to the country and a cowardly

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